Maquoketa Public Library
Current street address: 126 S. Second St. Maquoketa, IA 52060
Carnegie address: 126 S. Second St. Maquoketa, IA 52060
Original building still standing: Yes
Still in use as a library: Yes
Carnegie Grant Information
Date of Grant: March 14, 19021
Amount of Grant: $10,000.00 (initial) + $2,500.001
Cornerstone Date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Opening Date: Tuesday, January 19, 1904, Methodist church, 2:302
Carnegie Correspondent: D. N. Loose, Banker
Librarian, at Dedication: Miss Ida M. Simpson2
Architect: Netcott & Donnan, Independence
Contractor: Hancock & Thomas, Maquoketa
Building Style:
Building Size: 70 ft. x 40 ft.
Building Description: "... pressed brick with high basement and main floor..."2
Town & County
City: Maquoketa
County: Jackson County
Population in 1900: 3,777
Population in 2010: 6,141
Town/County Images:
Twelfth Census of the United States — 1900. p. 450.
Maquoketa is the county seat of Jackson County, which was established on December 21, 1837. The county was named for President Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), the seventh President of the United States. The first county seat was established at Bellevue, and then in 1841, the seat was moved by county vote to the town of Andrew. In 1873, the county seat was permanently moved to Maquoketa (a Native American name given to Bear River).
(Source: Pratt, LeRoy G. “The Counties and Courthouses of Iowa.” Mason City, Ia; Klipto Printing & Office Supply Company, 1977, p. 167-168.)
Carnegie/Bertram/Franks Correspondence
Architectural Blueprints
Architect/Builder/Contractor Documents
Construction Documents
Library History Documents (Reports, Newspapers, etc.)
Library Board Materials (Meetings, Forms, etc.)
Facilities (Building Maintenance)
Operations (Library Service Expenses)
Librarian & Accession Books
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