Greenfield Public Library
Current street address: 202 South First Street Greenfield, IA 50849-0328
Carnegie address: 202 South First Street Greenfield, IA 50849-0328
Original building still standing: Yes
Still in use as a library: No
Carnegie Grant Information
Date of Grant: September 29, 19151
Amount of Grant: $7,500.001
Cornerstone Date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Opening Date: Monday, November 27,1916, Presbyterian church, evening 2
Carnegie Correspondent: R. A. Shreves, Bank Cashier
Librarian, at Dedication: Miss Belle Sidey2
Architect: L. D. Willis, Omaha, Nebraska
Building Style:
Building Size:
Building Description: "The building is constructed of dark brick and presents an attractive appearance..."2
Town & County
City: Greenfield
County: Adair County
Population in 1900: 1,300
Population in 2010: 1,982
Town/County Images:
Twelfth Census of the United States — 1900. p. 449.
Thirteenth Census of the United States — 1910. 1,379.
Greenfield is the county seat of Adair County, which was established on January 15,1851. Adair is named for General John Adair (1757-1840) who srved as the sixth Governor of Kentucky. In 1855, the county seat was first located at Summerset, which was later renamed Fontanelle. After much dispute, by 1874, the seat was moved to Greenfield.
(Source: Pratt, LeRoy G. “The Counties and Courthouses of Iowa.” Mason City, Ia; Klipto Printing & Office Supply Company, 1977, p. 18.)
Carnegie/Bertram/Franks Correspondence
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Architectural Blueprints
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Architect/Builder/Contractor Documents
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Construction Documents
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Library History Documents (Reports, Newspapers, etc.)
Library Board Materials (Meetings, Forms, etc.)
Facilities (Building Maintenance)
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Operations (Library Service Expenses)
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