Storm Lake Public Library
Current street address: 609 Cayuga St. Storm Lake, IA 50588
Carnegie address: 200 East 5th St. -- Santa's Castle
Original building still standing: Yes
Still in use as a library: No
Carnegie Grant Information
Date of Grant: December 4, 19031
Amount of Grant: $10,000.001
Cornerstone Date: October 12, 1905
Opening Date: Saturday, September 29, 1906, Opera House, afternoon 2
Carnegie Correspondent: Lou Thomas, House of Representatives (Washington, D.C.)
Librarian, at Dedication: Miss Ethelyn Baillie 2
Architect: Paul O. Moratz, St. Louis, Missouri
Building Style:
Building Size:
Building Description:
Town & County
City: Storm Lake
County: Buena Vista County
Population in 1900: 2,169
Population in 2010: 10,600
Town/County Images:
Twelfth Census of the United States — 1900. p. 451.
Storm Lake is the county seat of Buena Vista County, which was established on January 15, 1851. The county was named for the Mexican War battle in which General Zachary Taylor defeated General Santa Ana. In 1853, the first county seat was established at Prairieville, and then in 1869, the seat was moved to Sioux Rapids. In 1878, the seat was moved again to Storm Lake.
(Source: Pratt, LeRoy G. “The Counties and Courthouses of Iowa.” Mason City, Ia; Klipto Printing & Office Supply Company, 1977, p. 45-46.)
Carnegie/Bertram/Franks Correspondence
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Architectural Blueprints
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Architect/Builder/Contractor Documents
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Construction Documents
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Library History Documents (Reports, Newspapers, etc.)
Library Board Materials (Meetings, Forms, etc.)
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Facilities (Building Maintenance)
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Operations (Library Service Expenses)
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